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Respect the Jux


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《Respect the Jux》相关推荐

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5. 机器人之梦/ 伊万·拉班达、阿尔伯特·特里佛·塞加拉
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《Respect the Jux》剧情内容介绍

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Respect the Jux又名Jux

In Jamaica a boy pledges his life to "The Order", an organized crime underworld gang. Torn between that alliance and his mother's hopes for a better life in America he sets out to live up to her aspirations when she sends for him and his sister. But when the struggles of a new life abroad threatens to take his mother life and restrict him to poverty he gives birth to "The Order...

发布于2022年。由G.H. Goba执导,并且由编剧G.H. Goba携幕后团队创作。集众多位托尼·西里科、罗伯特·康斯坦佐、托比亚斯·特鲁维利昂、西雷拉·佩顿、小路易斯·达·席尔瓦、托尼·克莱恩、阿里尔·斯泰切尔、Valentine Leone、Ed Lover、帕特里克·M·沃尔什、Raymond T. Williams、萨尔·伦迪诺、塔玛拉·费伊、Mark Fischer、Jennifer Simard等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2022-05-06(美国)公映的电影。


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