Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal在线观看和下载

Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal


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《Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal》相关推荐

4. 人生一世/ Stefan Gorski、奥古斯特·席纳
5. 哥斯拉-1.0/ 神木隆之介、滨边美波
6. 破墓/ 崔岷植、金高银
7. 银河写手/ 宋木子、合文俊
8. 第二十条/ 雷佳音、马丽
9. 老狐狸/ 白润音、刘冠廷
10. 飞驰人生2/ 沈腾、范丞丞
11. 噬血芭蕾/ 阿丽莎·威尔、梅丽莎·巴雷拉
12. 魔鬼深夜秀/ 大卫·达斯马齐连、劳拉·戈登

《Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal》剧情内容介绍

《Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal》在线观看和下载


Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal

The owner of a cosmetics company is unveiling a new cream which she claims she's been using. She's been keeping her age a secret and now reveals that she's 60 and owes her appearance to the cream. She's later killed and the formula missing. Her husband is arrested and Perry defends him.

发布于1993年。由克里斯蒂安·尼比执导,并且由编剧Robert Schlitt携幕后团队创作。集众多位雷蒙德·布尔、芭芭拉·海尔、威廉姆·R·莫塞斯、乔纳森·班克斯、波莉·伯根、摩根·费尔切尔德、蒂比·海德莉、帕特里克·奥尼尔、大卫·沃纳等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1993-02-19(美国)公映的电影。


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Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal评论

arapallas 2022-03-04

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