

Secrets of the Tribe(2009)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 语言: 西班牙语 / 英语
  • 地区: 英国 / 巴西
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部落里的秘密原名:Secrets of the Tribe,

The field of anthropology goes under the magnifying glass in this fiery investigation of the seminal research on Yanomami Indians. In the 1960s and ’70s, a steady stream of anthropologists filed into the Amazon Basin to observe this "virgin" society untouched by modern life. Thirty years later, the events surrounding this infiltration have become a scandalous tale of academic e...

发布于2009年。由José Padilha执导,






遠濤 2024-02-05

3.5:以几位人类学家(其一是李维史陀高足)进驻亚马孙盆地Yanomami部落的研究生涯及其后出现的丑闻或争议为经纬,请当事人、***和学术界对手现身说法,不作结论地探讨了人类学田野的一些**问题,发人深省。(油管/ Tubi均免费)

巫瑗Patia 2022-08-17

Shocking introduction into the political and biological engagement of socio-cultural anthropologists. Are we scientists? Or are we peacocks parading in all of our show? Story of the genocidal murderer, paedophilia and 'Galelio' as intellectual. Not only power inequalities but also research boundaries to be concerned. From Yanomami tribes to anthropology tribes, are there actually any differences between Guinea Pigs and humans?

羌塘子 2021-10-02

毫不留情的揭露那群去往Yanomamo的人类学家所面对的田野**问题,甚至是黑幕,窥*癖和剥削。吵来吵去,Chagnon都杀疯啦“the impression that people have that the anthropologists are sort of nuts and violent is only true up to a certain extent, except of course, me."笑到了

xuexuexue 2021-06-15


折露* 2019-03-30

啊 真是 令人 沮丧 的 一个 session...

NowhereToYura 2015-04-24

细思恐极,人类学研究的黑幕。Where is the boundary? 似乎我们现在的认知还不能让我们明辨是非。我们是闯入了他人的生活还是为真理献身?而Data就代表scientist了吗?我们怎能以我们所处社会的标准去评估另一个完全迥异的社会?又怎么衡量利弊?看起来有些费力,内容的性质本身就决定了其沉重。

HH.Pih 2011-06-18


luxx 2011-04-08


海马 2011-01-25

shock! 人类学研究黑幕大起底! 有和11岁印第安***结婚的人类学家; 有**印第安小正太的***人类学家; 有可能带去了麻疹的人类学家.......

Fountainhead 2011-01-14

James V. Neel走了,就在2000年伴随着Darkness in El Dorado的发表人们对他和Chagnon的声讨爆发前,走得很是时候。完毕,对Chagnon老头倒颇有同情,尤其片尾说把自己比作Josef Mengele,他等不了那么久的时候。何太急。