帕斯卡尔·阿珀拉·吉内金迪 Pascale Appora Gnekindy

帕斯卡尔·阿珀拉·吉内金迪 Pascale Appora Gnekindy
  • 性别:
  • 职业:导演 / 制片人 / 编剧

帕斯卡尔·阿珀拉·吉内金迪 Pascale Appora Gnekindy简介


Pascale Appora-Gnekindy (she/her) hails from the Central African Republic (CAR) and is the owner of Kea-Kwis Production, a video production company in Bangui, CAR. In 2023, she co-directed her first feature documentary, Eat Bitter. In 2017, she directed ** Eyes To Hear, a documentary short about a boy overcoming his disability in a land where the disabled are marginalized. The film was an official selection of The International Film Festival of Kinshasa and Festival Africlap. In 2019, she directed Two Sisters, about the journey of two sisters who struggle to find the right balance between their studies, their life at home, and their femininity. Pascale came to film production through the IT world. She started studying films in 2016 after being selected to participate in documentary filmmaking workshops organized by the French Alliance of Bangui and the Ateliers Varan.

帕斯卡尔·阿珀拉·吉内金迪 Pascale Appora Gnekindy合作伙伴

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