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Maža išpažintis


  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 语言: Lithuanian
  • 地区: 苏联 / 立陶宛
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《Maža išpažintis》剧情内容介绍

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Maža išpažintis又名Maza ispazintis

Arūnas, an 18 year old high-school graduate from the port town, is going through a crisis. He is stressed by the school routine and his friend Benas who had been earlier expelled from the school for trivial reasons, suggests he find a ***. At home, his father bores Arūnas with his constant recollections about fighting in an antifascist guerrilla squad, while his mother unexpect...

发布于1971年。由Algirdas Araminas执导,并于1971公映的电影。


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